Workout of the Day 03-06-17

Workout of the Day 03-06-17

Hang Power Snatch

20 Minutes, Every Minute on the Minute
1. Max Slam Ball
2. Max Cal Bike
3. Max Devils Press
4. Rest

Please Post Results to TRIIB.

Barbell 03-06-17

Barbell 03-06-17

Deadlift: 85% x 3
90% x 2
95% x 2
80% 3 x5

Back Squat 4 x 4 85%
Deadlift 4 x 6 73%

Day Three
High Volume Upper Body
Superset: Bench Press and Bent Over Row
10 x 10 Each, 50% 1RM Bench
Rest 60-90 Seconds Between Sets

Strength and Skill Week of 3/6/17


Day 1
10 x 10 Second handstand hold
20 Tuck-up to handstand holds
30 Deficit hand release push-ups
40 Superman pulses

Day 2
5 x20 Second frogstand or crow holds
Accumulate 2min handstand hold (n2w)
2 x 30 handstand shifts b2w (back to wall)
4 min tabata hollow rocks

Day 3
5 rounds for quality
Accumulate 1 min handstand (least support possible)
10 Strict barbell presses @ 65% bodyweight
10 Hollow to superman rocks
Max distance hollow body slides (use sliders from rear cubbies under feet)

Note: The next 4 weeks will be handstand development. Identify your level of proficiency and execute the drills along this continuum: 2 feet on a box, 1 foot on box (1 leg extended), back to wall (b2w), nose to wall (n2w), freestanding.

See day 3 of barbell and Olympic lifting

Olympic Weightlifting 03-06-17

Olympic Weightlifting 03-06-17

Snatch Lift Off + Snatch Pull + Snatch
Power Clean and Jerk

Max Hang Snatch
Max Hang Clean

Day Three
Power Snatch
Clean Pull + Clean + Squat + Jerk

Rock Your Body 03-06-17

Rock Your Body 03-06-17

Team Stays Together
Stations With a Pacer

Double Unders
Box Jumps
Bike Sprints
Slam Balls