Barbell 02-18-18

Barbell 02-18-18

10 Minute EMOM
Odd: 12 Close Grip Bench Press. Even: 10 Ring Pull-Ups.
10 Minute EMOM
Odd: 12 Bent Over Row. Even: 12 JM Press.
10 Minute EMOM
Odd: 12 Bicep Curls. Even: 20 Push-Ups.

Front Squat 3RM
Front Rack Step Back Lunge 4 x 14
Stiff Leg DL 5 x 8
Tabata Deadlift
DB FR Step Ups 5:00

Back Squat 3RM
Deadlift 5 x 8
Good Morning 4 x 8
Max Weight Sled Push

Workout of the Day 02-19-18

Workout of the Day 02-19-18

4 Sets 65% 5RM
10-12 Strict Press 20X1
:30 Rest
10-12 Dual DB Bent Over Row 2022
1:30 Rest

5 Rounds
2 Minute Row @ 2-5 seconds slower than 2k pace
2 Minutes
Single Arm Overhead Carry 50 Meters per side

Please Post Results to TRIIB.

Olympic Weightlifting 02-20-18

Olympic Weightlifting 02-20-18

Lift Off + Pull + Snatch
Power Clean + Front Squat + Jerk