Olympic Weightlifting 11-20-19

Clean and Jerks
10:00 EMOM, Pause below knee Power Cleans + 1 Push Press
6 x Squat Clean + Front Squat + Split Jerk
5 x 5 Push Press
5 x 5 Clean Grip Deadlift @ 110%

Workout of the Day 11-21-19

Baseline Strength
Goblet Squat 3011
12-12-12, rest 2:00 b/n sets
KB Deadlift 3011
12-12-12, rest :60 b/n sets
Not Super set

Back Squat 3011
7-7-7, rest 2:00 b/n sets
Split Stance DB Deadlift 3011
7/side, rest :60 b/n sets
Not Super set

Partner WOD
I go, You go full rounds
AMRAP 14 minutes
Row 150 Meters
12 Ball Slams 20/15#

Partner WOD
I go, You go full rounds
AMRAP 14 minutes
Row 150 Meters
12 D-Ball Cleans 70/50#

Partner WOD
I go, You go full rounds
AMRAP 14 minutes
Row 150 Meters
12 D-Ball Cleans 100/70#