Gymnastics 03-16-20

Skill: Muscle-Ups
10 Minutes
1 Unbroken Sustainable Set of Muscle-Ups
200 Meter Recovery Run

Olympic Weightlifting 03-18-20

Class Focus: Snatch
A. Squat Snatch w/ 3 sec pause at each position:
1. 1" off floor, 2. top of knee, 3. power position, 4. catch
B. Snatch
65% 1x4
75% 1x3
80% 1x3
85% 1x2
90% 2x2
C. 1" Deficit Snatch Pull
85% 5x3
D. Finisher 3 Sets
10 Barbell Roll Outs
10 Weighted Back Extensions

Workout of the Day 03-16-20

Build to a Moderate/Heavy Weight in 15 minutes
Snatch Complex
2 Power Snatch + 3 Overhead Squats
5 Hang Power Snatch + OHS practice with PVC in between sets

7 Rounds
10 Hang Power Snatch 65/45#
3 Renegade Rows with Push Up 25/20#

7 Rounds
7 Touch and Go Power Snatch 95/65#
3 Renegade Rows with Push Up 35/25

Endurance 03-16-20

3 x 800 Meter Run
3 x 600 Meter Run
3 x 400 Meter Run
3 x 200 Meter Run
*1:30 minute rest b/w reps, 2-3 b/w sets

Workout of the Day 03-16-20

15 Minutes, Every 1:00 Complete
1 Power Clean & Jerk + 1 Squat Clean & Jerk

8 Minutes, As Many Reps as Possible
2-4-6-8-10 etc.
Dumbbell Power Cleans 35/25#
*5 Ring Rows after each set

8 Minutes, As Many Reps as Possible
2-4-6-8-10 etc.
Dumbbell Squat Cleans 55/40#
*1-2 Ring Muscle Ups after each set

Barbell 03-15-20

Warm-Up: 3 x :30 Dual KB OH Hold, :30 Side Plank ups ea. :30 Hanging Knee Tucks
5-4-3-2-1 Banded Bench
3 x 8 Incline DB Bench & 8 Pause Pull-Ups
3 x 8 Arnold Press & 8 Bicep Curls

Squat & Pull Night
4-3-2-1-1-1 Back Squat
Superset: 3 x 12 Narrow Stance Back Squat & Pull-Up
Superset: 3 x 20 Dumbbell Lunge & Ring Row

Hinge & Press Night
4-3-2-1-1-1 Deadlift
Superset: 3 x 8 DB RDL & 8 DB Bench Press
Superset: 3 x 20 Hip Thrust & Push-Ups