Workout of the day: 2/21/21

4 x 6
Barbell Glute Bridge
2:00 Rest in between each

Death By Devil's Press
Min 1. 1 Devil's Press
Min 2. 2 Devil's Press
etc. as long as possible

Death By Devil's Press + 10 Air Squats
Min 1. 1 Devil's Press + 10 Air Squats
Min 2. 2 Devil's Press + 10 Air Squats
etc. as long as possible
*Thanks Chalk Performance Training

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Workout of the Day 02-20-21

10:00 Minutes, As Many Rounds as Possible
50 Jump Rope
10 Dumbbell Snatch 25/20

CrossFit Open 14.1
10 Minutes, As Many Rounds as Possible
30 Double Unders
15 Power Snatch 75/55

Workout of the day: 2/20/21

Partner WOD
5 Rounds:
400M Run (Together)
20 KBS 1.5/1 pood
20 Box Jumps 24/20"
*Share the Work

5 Rounds:
400M Run
20 KBS 2/1.5 pood
20 Box Jumps 24/20"

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Workout of the Day 02-19-21

24 Minutes, Every Minute on the Minute
10 Landmine Single Arm Row
125-250 Meter Row
1-2 Rope Climb or 2-4 Pull to stand
:45 Hollow Hold

Workout of the day: 2/19/21

Partners Complete
50 Cal Row or Bike
50 Hollow Arch Kips
100 Single Unders ea.
50 DB Push Press
100 Single Unders ea.
50 Ring Rows
50 Cal Row or Bike

Partners Complete
50 Cal Row or Bike
50 Toe to Bar
50 Double Unders ea.
50 Handstand Push Ups
50 Double Unders ea.
50 Pull Ups
50 Cal Row or Bike

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Workout of the Day 02-18-21

3 Rounds
5ea Hang Clean to Cossack Lunge
5ea Hang Split Snatch + Press
5ea Rotational Horn Muscle Clean

3 Rounds each
Partner I Go, You Go
3:00 As Many Rounds As Possible
400-500 Meter Row
Max Rep Russian Kettlebell Swing in time remaining

Workout of the day: 2/18/21

3RM Back Squat
3RM Weighted Pull Up
Max Sets Strict Pull Ups

1. 20 Air Squats
2. 15 Feet Anchored Sit Ups
3. :30 Wall Sit
4. :30 Plank

1. 30 Air Squats
2. 25 Feet Anchored Sit Ups
3. :45 Goblet Wall Sit
4. :45 FLR

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Gymnastics 02-15-21

Class Focus:
Handstand Push-Ups

12:00, Every Minute on the Minute
5 Handstand Push-Ups/2-3 Negatives
:20 Hollow Hold

Endurance 02-15-21

10-15-20-25-20-15-10 Calorie Bike

Barbell 02-14-21

Warm-Up: 3 x :20 Supinated Hold, 10ea Banded External Rotation, 5 Plyo Push-Ups
10:00 Every Minute on the Minute
3 Speed Bench Press*
*Optional chains or bands
*Emphasize speed over weight
3 x 8 Eccentric Chest Fly w/ Bench Concentric, 8 Pause Ring Row
3 x 12 Dumbbell Pull Over, 6ea Eccentric Bicep Curl, Heavy
3 x 8 Z-Press, :20 Supinated L-Hang

Warm-Up: 3 x 5 Air Squat, 5 Jump Squat, 10 Jumping Lunge / Stretch
10:00, Every 2:00
6 Back Squat (5 Sets)
*Same weight across, same weight or heavier than last week
10:00, Every 2:00
2 Back Squats (5 Sets)
*Can build up over sets
3 x 10 Good Mornings
3 x 15 Pause Frog Pump
Band and Lunge Finisher

Warm-Up: 3 x 3ea SL RDL 42X1, 2 Inchworms, 1 Burpee
10:00, Every Minute on the Minute
1 Deadlift @ ~50%
*Optional chains or bands, focus on speed
3 x 8 Stiff Leg Deficit Deadlift
3 x 8 Stiff Leg Sumo Deadlift
3 x SA Farmers Carry (Short Fast Heavy), 10 Slow GHD Crunch