Workout of the Day 05-26-22

3 Sets
8 Strict Handstand Push-Up
8-10ea Front Rack Reverse Lunge
8ea Bird Dog Row

10-9-8-7...1 Handstand Push-Up
2-4-6-8...20 Jumping Lunge
*100 Meter Jog after each round

Workout of the Day 5/26/22

Back Squat
4 x 4-6 20X1 Tempo, rest :90 - 2:00

4 Rounds:
9 Ring Rows
12 DB Reverse Lunges 30/20#
9/7 Cal Bike
12 Wall Balls 14/10#
:60 Rest

4 Rounds:
9 Chest To Bar Pull Ups
18 DB Reverse Lunges 45/30#
9/7 Cal Bike
18 Wall Balls 20/14#
:60 Rest

Post Results to Zen Planner.

Workout of the Day 05-25-22

30:00 Time Cap
Partner I Go, You Go, Full Rounds
3 Rounds ea.
12 Dumbbell Thrusters 35/25, 50/35
15 Dumbbell Power Clean

3 Rounds ea.
20/15 Calorie Bike
50 Jump Rope / Double Unders

3 Rounds ea.
400 Meter Row

Workout of the Day 5/25/22

Conditioning/ Competitor:
3 Rounds NFT
40M Farmer's Carry (Heavy)
20 Kneeling Banded Pull Aparts
10 DB on Knee External Rotation/side

5 Rounds:
Row 500M @ 2k pace + :02
rest 2:00

Post Results to Zen Planner.

Workout of the Day 05-24-22

5 Sets
5 Bench Press
5 Strict Pull-Up
30-50 Banded Pull Aparts

3:00 As Many Rounds as Possible
10 Sprawl
10 Ring Row
3:00 Max Calorie Row

3:00 As Many Burpee Pull-Ups as Possible
3:00 Max Calorie Row / Bike

Workout of the Day 5/24/22

Barbell Push Press
4 x 4-6 Self Directed Tempo,
rest :45
:30 Banded Pallof Hold/side
Rest :90

5 DB Hang Squat Clean Thruster 35/25#
10 Lateral Sprawls Over the DB's

5 Hang Squat Clean Thruster 135/95#
10 Lateral Burpees Over the Bar

Post Results to Zen Planner.

Gymnastics 05-23-22

HSPU & Pull Ups
3 Rounds
100 Double-unders Buy in and Cash Out
15 Chest To Bar Pull-ups
12 Toes-To Bar
9 Handstand Push-ups

Endurance 05-23-22

5.23 - LW Make-Up! @ CRCF
TWO Endurance AMRAPs:
20AMRAP 100M Run/row + 10 Burpees
200m Row + 20 Burpees 300m Row + 30 Burpees
400m Row + 40 Burpees 500m Row + 50 Burpees
600m Row + 60 Burpees... ... ...
(2:00 Rest)
25/20c Bike
20 Wall Balls
:20 Wall sit

Barbell 05-23-22

A. 8-1-8-1-8-1-8-1 Bench Press w/ minor incline (1 plate under the bench) sset w/ 20 banded pull aparts. Focus on the heavy 8's
B. 100 DB Bench. Every drop = 15 strict pull-ups & 15 Ring rows

A. 8-1-8-1-8-1-8-1 Deadlift, focus on the heavy 8's
B. 3 Rounds
10 Jefferson Curl
8ea Single Leg Landmine RDL
25 Hanging Knee Tucks
C. Glute Finisher

A. 8-1-8-1-8-1-8-1 Back Squat, focus on the heavy 8's
B. 3 Rounds
20 Front Rack Reverse Lunge
20 Weighted Glute Bridges
C. Core Finisher & Hip Thrusts