A. 8-3-8-3-8-3-8 Bench Press, focus on the heavy 8s, not the 3s
*superset w/ 30 pull aparts
B. 8-3-8-3-8-3-8 Strict Pull-Up, focus on the heavy 8s, not the 3s
*supeset w/ 15 Delta Push-Ups
C. Finisher =
3 Rounds
20 Barbell Curls
30 Banded Tricep Ext
20 Dumbbell Bench
30 Banded Curls

A. 5 x 5 Box Squats
B. 3 x 12 Back Squat
C. 3 x 10ea Back Rack Lunge
D. 3 x 25 VMO Squat
E. Quad & Glute Finisher\

A. 5 x 5 Deficit Deadlifts
B. 3 x 8 Pause Deficit Deadlift (1 inch off ground)
C. 3 x 10ea Dual DB Death March
D. 3 x 15 Good Morning
E. Glute & Ham Finisher