Workout of the Day 11-01-20

10-8-6 Snatch Grip Deadlift

5 Rounds
10 Devils Press 35/25
200 Meter Run

50 Devils Press 50/35
1000 Meter Run

Workout of the Day 10-31-20

Happy Halloween

Humans start on 3,2,1 go.
Zombies start 1:00 in and run with a medicine ball, because Zombies are slow.
If a Zombie catches up to their Human, then the human does 50 burpees on the spot and finishes workout.
If the Zombie fails to catch up to their human, then they do 50 burpees at the end of their workout.
Zombies only need to catch up to the human's in-gym station, (ie not exact rep number, just be on the same movement) for it to count as them catching the human.
Or if the Zombie literally catches them running or doing a farmers carry.

800-600-400 Meter Run
200-200-200 Meter Farmers Carry
Air Squat
Second Plank
Pull-Ups / Ring Rows / Bent Over Row

Workout of the Day 10-30-20

12-10-8 Standing Single Arm Overhead Press
30 Russian Twists

3 Rounds
20 DBall Cleans 70/50, 100/70
100 Meter DBall Carry
20 Calorie Bike

Workout of the Day 10-29-20

Strict Pull-Up or Bent Over Row 8-6-4

Partner I Go, You Go, Full Rounds
4 Rounds each
:30 Tuck Sit / L-Sit
15 Dumbbell Hang Squat Clean 30/20, 40/30
5 Renegade Rows (R+R+P-Up)
:30 Plank / Weighted Plank

Workout of the Day 10-28-20

30 Minutes, As Many Rounds as Possible
Partner I Go, You Go, Alt Movements
15 Dumbbell Push Press 40/30, 60/40
20 Calorie Bike
25 Box Jump
20 Calorie Row
15 Sit-Ups / Toes to Bar

Workout of the Day 10-27-20

Front or Overhead Squat 8-6-4

5 Rounds
10 Dual Kettlebell Front Rack Step Back Lunge Y/B
15 Dual Kettlebell Russian Swing
300 Meter Run

25 Dual Kettlebell Front Rack Step Back Lunge G/Y
35 Dual Kettlebell Russian Swing
1 Mile Run
25 Dual Kettlebell Front Rack Step Back Lunge G/Y
35 Dual Kettlebell Russian Swing

Endurance 10-26-20

3 Rounds, 1:00 rest after each round
400 Slow
400 Fast
3 Rounds 1:00 rest after each round
300 Slow
300 Fast
3 Rounds 1:00 rest after each round
150 Slow
150 Fast

Workout of the Day 10-26-20

10 Minutes, Every Minute Complete
High Hang Power Clean + Low Hang Power Clean

10 Minutes:
Minute 1: 10 Hang Power Clean 95/65, 185/125
Minute 2: 9 Hang Power Clean
Minute 3: 8 Hang Power Clean
Minute 10: 1 Hang Power Clean
As Many Push-Ups in time remaining each minute

Barbell 10-25-20

Warm-Up: 3 x 10 KB Alt. Z-Press & Ring Row
4-2-4-2-4-2 Bench Press (focus on the heavy 4's)
3 x 10 Weighted Pull-Up
Superset: 3 x 15 Barbell Hi-Pull & DB Reverse Fly

4 x 8 Pause Squat
3 x 5 Back Squat
3 x 8 Strict Press
10:00 Stationary Lunges & Banded Steps

4 x 8 Deficit Deadlift
3 x 5 Deadlift
3 x 8 Bent Over Row
Finisher TBD

Olympic Weightlifting 10-28-20

A. Power Clean + Front Squat+ Jerk
65% 1x(3+3+1)
70% 3x(3+3+1)
75% 1x(3+3+1)
B. 3 Rounds
6 RDLs at 100% clean
8 each side static OH lunges