Tuesday @ Home:
Squat Therapy
4 x 10 Perfect Slow Air Squats. Get closer to the wall each set.

3 Rounds
Rotational planks: reach each arm to the ceiling 10 times. Hold 5 seconds at the top.

Thursday In Class:
Standing Pelvic Tilt
Standing Flexion Mobilization: Head to Low Spine
Supine Pelvic Tilt
Gymnastic Sit Up 20x
Banded Anterior Hip Stretch, 3 Minutes Each Side
2 Rounds: Couch Stretch, 1 Minute Each Side

Saturday @ Home:
3 Rounds
10 Banded Shoulder Presses (Vertical)
10 Banded Shoulder Presses (To The Corners, Thumbs Up)
10 Scapular Push-Ups
10 Alternating Arm Lifts On All Fours (No Spinal Rotation)