Barbell 10-02-17

Superset 1: 5 x 10,  Dumbbell Bench Press & Chin-Up
Superset 2: 6 x 3 Bent Over Row & Bench Press
Finisher: 100 Strict Press (DB or BB), every ‘drop’ 10 curls. Not allowed to put weight on ground

Dynamic Effort – Emphasis on Speed
10 x 2 Front Squat EMOM
8 x 1.1 Sumo DL + Chains/Band EMOM
4 Sets of 12 RDL, :30-1:00 Sorenson, 12 Stiff Leg Sumo

Max Effort – Emphasis on Load
5 Rep Max High Box Squat + Chains/Band
5 Rep Max Deadlift
5 x 5 Deficit Deadlift